Monday, April 7, 2008

My life, right now, real quick

I thought i would send a quick update on the happenings of my life currently and recently, just to get everyone up to date. I'm working at Brighton Ski Resort, just as a fun job to pass the time and provide a free season pass. Consequently i snowboard almost everyday, and now my knees hurt. Jesse and I are getting ready to pack up again for the summer. This summer we are going to Bakersfield, CA. I hear it's hot and smelly there, so we'll see. I'll keep updates on the funk factor. Oh and I'm getting my concealed weapons permit next week, so i'll be packing heat pretty soon. Other than that I am pretty much the same. 

Shooting a 50 cal. Desert Eagle (not really with one hand, just acting tough)


melanie said...

it looks like you have been hit by those stupid spammers. You might want to set a letter code up.

melanie said...

BTW- You are so cool! I love you so much. sad you are leaving to cali though.

Amy said...

I love the pictures!! Excellent job!

Emily said...

Cool! We are moving to San Francisco this summer. You guys will only be a four hour drive from us! Not too far! (Compared to the 11 to Utah). We will have to get together at least once before you go back.

Tevye said...

Whatever it is - I didn't do it! Don't shoot! Have a good summer, Summer.

Monica Riedel said...

Nice job summer! come visit me at luv ya

Monica Riedel said...

Nice job summer! come visit me at luv ya

Jen and Allen said...

How did you do I cant hit anything with a hand gun. Glad to see you on here. Cuz Jen

Angela said...

Summer...I had no clue you were moving to Cali!! We don't live too far from you so let's get together. Maybe San Jose will be a city you will pass on your way here?? Call me 801-361-4700
