Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do me a solid

Here are the directions: 1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember. This can be about me or Jesse. 2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is actually pretty funny to see the responses.


Anonymous said...

One of the memories I have is going threw the haunted houses we used to make in your parents basement in Farmington. You almost made me crap my pants (on more than one occasion). Ahhh good times...

Lori Buhr said...

I remember when you were born! It had been just two months since Jennifer was born and then Sara was born in June after you in February. It was a bonding time for all three families. It has been fun to watch the three of you grow up and see how much you all are alike and different too. You're a gem and you're loved!

Brooke said...

I have known you to always be the "tough girl" in the family. I remember doing your hair for your wedding. And then talking with you at Rach's wedding! Very recent, I know. I am looking forward to you and Jesse coming over so we can have dinner and ride bikes. And then we can have new memories and exoeriences!!

melanie said...

So many memories. How do I choose just one... Okay, the one that first comes to my mind was when Jonathan and I were first married and you used to come and stay with me and spend all the time catching lizards. You would spend hours out there just catching lizards.

Amy said...

I remember I was so excited when you and Jesse came over for our Halloween party! It is always so nice to see you guys and I love hanging out with family!

The Betitas said...

I remember when you first started getting into skateboarding and I was so jealous that you could actually stay up and ride it! Cause i cant!! I also remember you telling me about Jesse when you guys first met and how he asked you out on a date! I remember lots of cousin fun playing time at grandmas.
I also remember your bridal shower and seeing your new house out in Eagle Mountain. You are the best and I love you!

Carmen said...

I remember the first time I met you. It was over at Melanie's apartment in Springville, I was shocked at how much you looked like Joel. You were definitely his little sister. I remember hanging out with you and Linds when you were living in the dorms in Price. I also remember when you guys were moving to Price, we came to the motel you were staying in and went swimming with you. You were loving that pool. It's like i said on Brooke's, where does the time go?

Monica Riedel said...

Summer! I remember how you were the only one of my siblings who didn't like me as a baby, you preferred Misty. haha I was so insulted. I'm glad you like me now. I love you!

Melanie said...

WOW....lots of memories. Every time I hear Allanis Morisette, I think of you, and sk8ing at CEU library...and those darn berries...they always made me fly off. Not fun for a novice. Lots of times that I wouldn't do over, but I'll never forget.

Tevye said...

The hike to Emerald Lake in the Weminuche Wilderness area. It was the last time I went and I am trying to motivate myself to get ready to do it again. If i remeber right you guys forgot your sleeping pads and were sleeping on the rock hard ground. What a pioneer woman!